The importance of a yearly budget for small businesses

One of the biggest mistakes small business owners make is neglecting to come up with a yearly budget. This is different from the one, three, and five-year projections made before opening the company. The annual budget takes into account all the things that take place while the business is actually running. It’s this yearly budget that allows owners to make some adjustments to the business. More or less, it can be considered a "readjusted operating budget." Alongside these invaluable operation tweaks, owners can also see the bigger picture and have confidence in the business. Image source: The readjusted operating budget may take a lot of work, so it is best to start with simple numbers at first. Predict both revenue and revenue growth and list direct costs (costs of products sold and the expenses for their delivery). More often than not, numbers, especially for the first year, will only show the business either breaking even or at a loss (if the...