Common Leadership Mistakes to Avoid.
Michael Guiffrida: Common Leadership Mistakes to Avoid
In many situations, people take on leadership positions before they can actually handle them. Why? Sometimes organizations lose key members and need other people to fill their roles as quickly as possible, even if these other people aren’t quite ready for the challenge. In other situations, people are quick to embrace the idea of being a leader but aren’t quick to nurture leadership qualities, according to leadership expert Michael Guiffrida. Here are a couple of the biggest mistakes that leaders make -- mistakes you should do your best to avoid if you want to stand out for all of the right reasons in your organization.Mistake number one? Many leaders confuse delegation and control. The sad reality is that many people think that when they become leaders, they get to boss others around and be the go-to person for any questions their employees may have. True leaders, however, focus on building resourceful teams filled with capable people who don’t necessarily need you every second of every day. In other words, the best leaders are those who are willing to give up control so that they can be more productive themselves.
Another common mistake that leaders make is that they seek credit for any wins that happen on their watch but shift the blame for any losses that occur. Real leaders, on the other hand, ensure that their team members feel that they played a role in their companies’ wins. At the same time, they are willing to admit their faults if things go wrong from time to time. And they will. Put another way, a real business, department, or team leader is a humble one.
The more willing you are to lead by example and put the needs of your subordinates first, the more you’ll excel as a leader long term.
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